Our Services
Our Accommodation
We currently offer modern accommodation facilities in Bedfordshire and Leicestershire.
Shared Accommodation
At Ferntree, shared accommodation is available for a young person who is ready and able to live successfully with others. Shared accommodation may be for 4-6 young people. A strict matching policy is used when placing the young people together to protect them from posing risk to each other.
Young people have their own bedrooms but share bathroom and living facilities. Overnight staff have their own bedroom and own bathroom facilities where applicable.
Solo Living Accommodation
A young person is not yet ready for shared accommodation. These will be young people who require their own living space and support staff because their level of need precludes them from living safely alongside other young people.
For those young people that require additional support due to challenging behaviour and gang affiliation we offer 24-hour support, and 1:1 and 2:1 packages of care in solo accommodation.
How We Support Young People
Support Plan
Our staff support young people reach their potential through flexible and personalised key-work sessions and therapeutic support packages. We support young people to develop independent life skills needed to increase their ability to secure permanent housing, gain employment and be fully independent as they transition into adulthood. We do our best to support young people by using a variety of methods to record, monitor and communicate to help us understand how to identify alternative approaches should it be needed. We attend meetings with our young people, support them to appointments and encourage positive behaviour towards all professionals. We provide monthly reports to social services, feedback and attendance at Child Looked After (CLA) and Personal Education Plan (PEP) reviews and maintain contact through emails, phone and face to face meetings.
Young people are supported in the following areas as part of their pathway plans:
Young People are supported:
- With advice and support to manage the safety and security of new accommodation
- To understand refuse and recycling process
- To understand importance of being a good housemate and good .neighbour
- With guidance on local services within the locality
- Where applicable to live in a shared house.
- Where applicable to respect the diversity of all Young People placed with them to understand and respect different cultures and lifestyles, including Issues relating to gender, sexuality, religion and disability.